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Since 2015, Flannel has been embedded in the world of contract furniture. Working alongside existing marketing teams, or functioning as an on-call external resource, we collaborate with independent , entrepreneurial dealership brands to promote,  hero,  and differentiate services, in alignment with manufacturer messaging.


Our bids win. A lot.

That's because we know what level of information to include, how to organize it in a way that makes sense, and how to make the whole package gorgeous.

Oh, and we're experts at Ceros, too.


Your materials should be as high quality as the products you sell.


From simple lunch-and-learn presentations to mighty product bibles, our industry knowledge and ability to drill down on the story makes our easy-to-share sales collateral a win, and a pleasure.


Client won't let you present at the mockup? Never fear.


Tags, labels, custom websites, custom videos, VR experiences - we work with you to help your mockups stand out and position you as a creative, tech-forward, design-conscious dealer.

DESIGN + Development

From simple event invites to full re-brands and websites, we create exceptional, out-of-the-box design and messaging that pulls dealers out of their ruts and shoves them into the spotlight. A&D firms will pay attention, too.


That sounded aggressive, but it's awesome, we promise.

Testimonial Anchor


Branding Anchor

not be a fad after all.

The contract furniture industry has moved into the 21st century. These days digital is king, and custom is the new conventional.


Flannel fills the missing piece for dealers who are hesitant to invest in high-tech integration expertise. We take your brand and translate it to align with manufacturer aesthetics and formats that are about as tech-forward as you can get.


Some of our expertise:


  • Video production + editing

  • Podcast setup, production, talent, editing

  • Ceros site builds and templating

  • Updating your website with new designs, blogs, etc.

  • Integrating VR into sales tools + mockups

  • Managing social channels

  • Targeted digital advertising campaigns



Laptop Screen Cafe

RECENT WORK for  furniture DEALERS

Gecko Hero.png

Bid Response:

Gecko Robotics

A recent bid for our Haworth client, burkeMICHAEL+. Yes, they won, and yes, the client specifically called out the piece's design and flair as a reason our client was chosen (they particularly loved the last page).


Note: For obvious reasons, we've blurred out any pricing that appears on these sample pages.


SCI Furniture

A brand spankin' new website that emphasizes SCI's culture, and what makes them different from other furniture dealers.


We designed the site, wrote the copy, cut the video, helped them create a new logo with a light re-brand.


Check out the full site at

SCI Site.png
Healthcare Hero.png


Healthcare furniture is a crowded space and niche market. This presentation was made to help PeopleSpace stand out.


We worked closely with dealership healthcare sales leads to craft this piece, equal parts beautiful and reassuring, so they could take it out and win.


A productive team and healthy culture are vital to a thriving business. Flannel helps SCI maintain their culture through events, activities, awards (examples at right) and other internal collateral that heroes the company's culture and celebrates their stellar employees.


In the best of times, it can be difficult to get people to show up to an event. These are not the best of times (but things are on the upswing).


At left are some examples of event ideation and invite design that have inspired the right people (read: A&D firms, future clients) to show to our partner's events.


And they were fun to host, too.


Here's a secret we all know: Not every partnership is a good fit.

We don't pretend to be the right solution for every dealer, nor seek to replace entire marketing teams.

We're here for the dealer that's ready for change, that needs to find new ways to level up, build relationships, and win bids. New ideas, another set of hands, a way forward that's easy and won't break the bank.

Most importantly, we're here for the dealer that's ready to move beyond the status quo. You've seen work examples on this page. (I mean, you're down here reading this, so....) You understand the value of skilled messaging and a refined aesthetic.

So if you're ready to put culture first, to hero your services in new and exciting ways, to plant a flag and proudly proclaim "This is what we do and we're damn good at it," then give us a buzz.
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